Implied Easement

Implied Easement
Implied Easement
Full Overview Of Implied Easement

Implied easements are a crucial aspect of property law, often arising when a formal agreement or express grant does not exist. These easements allow for the use of one piece of land (the servient tenement) for the benefit of another (the dominant tenement) without the need for explicit documentation. This comprehensive overview explains the concept of implied easements, their legal framework, types, creation, implications, and best practices for managing related disputes.

What are Implied Easements?

An easement is a right enjoyed by one landowner over the land of another. While express easements are created through clear, written agreements, implied easements arise through circumstances that suggest such a right was intended, even if not explicitly documented. These easements can be fundamental for property owners who require access or utility rights that were not formally agreed upon but are necessary for the reasonable use of their land.

Definition and Purpose

Implied easements are rights not explicitly written into a deed or contract but inferred from the nature of the property or the parties’ conduct. These rights allow the owner of one property (the dominant tenement) to use another property (the servient tenement) in a manner that is essential for the enjoyment and use of their own property.

The primary purposes of implied easements include:

  • Ensuring Access: Providing necessary access to landlocked properties.
  • Utility Services: Allowing the installation and maintenance of utilities such as water, electricity, and sewage.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Enabling the maintenance and repair of buildings or structures requiring access to neighbouring land.

Legal Framework

The legal basis for implied easements in the UK is grounded in common law principles and several key statutes, including:

  • The Law of Property Act 1925: Governs the creation and enforcement of easements, including implied easements.
  • The Prescription Act 1832: Addresses the acquisition of easements through long-term use.

These legal provisions ensure that implied easements are recognised and enforceable, providing a framework for resolving disputes and clarifying property owners’ rights.

Types of Implied Easements

Implied easements can be broadly categorised based on the circumstances of their creation and the nature of the rights they confer.

The primary types of implied easements include easements of necessity, easements by common intention, easements by prescription, and easements by the rule in Wheeldon v Burrows.

Easements of Necessity

Easements of necessity arise when land cannot be reasonably used without an easement. These easements are typically required for access to a landlocked property where there is no other legal means of entry or exit. For an easement of necessity to be established, the following conditions must be met:

  • Absolute Necessity: The easement must be absolutely necessary for the use of the dominant tenement.
  • Common Ownership: The dominant and servient tenements must have been under common ownership at some point in time.
  • Implied Grant or Reservation: The easement is implied when the land is severanced from common ownership.

Easements by Common Intention

Easements by common intention arise when it can be inferred that the parties intended to create an easement based on the circumstances and use of the property. This type of easement is typically established when:

  • Intended Use: At the time of sale or transfer, the parties had a common intention of using the property.
  • Necessary for Intended Use: The easement is necessary for the property to be used as both parties intended.

Easements by Prescription

Easements by prescription are acquired through long-term use of land. Under the Prescription Act 1832, an easement can be established if the following conditions are met:

  • Continuous Use: The easement has been used continuously and without interruption for at least 20 years.
  • As of Right: The use has been open, without force, and without permission (nec vi, nec clam, nec precario).
  • Adverse Use: The use has been against the interests of the servient tenement owner.

Easements by the Rule in Wheeldon v Burrows

This type of implied easement arises when land is subdivided, and one part of the land retains a benefit that is necessary for the reasonable enjoyment of the land. The rule in Wheeldon v Burrows applies when:

  • Quasi-Easements: Prior to the sale, the owner of both the dominant and servant tenements used the easement.
  • Continuous and Apparent Use: The use was continuous and apparent at the time of the sale.
  • Reasonable Necessity: The easement is necessary for the reasonable enjoyment of the dominant tenement.

Creation of Implied Easements

The creation of implied easements relies heavily on interpreting the circumstances and the intentions of the parties involved. The process consists of assessing historical use, the relationship between the properties, and the necessity of the easement.

Historical Use and Common Ownership

For an implied easement to be created, there often needs to be evidence of historical use and common ownership. This typically involves:

  • Historical Analysis: Reviewing the historical ownership and use of the properties to determine if the easement existed before the properties were separated.
  • Common Ownership: Establishing that the dominant and servient tenements were once under common ownership and that the easement was in use during that time.

Necessity and Intention

The easement’s necessity and the parties’ intention are critical factors in the creation of implied easements. This involves:

  • Assessing Necessity: Determining whether the easement is essential for the use and enjoyment of the dominant tenement.
  • Inferring Intention: Inferring the intentions of the parties based on the circumstances and the use of the property at the time of the sale or transfer.

Legal Documentation

While implied easements do not require explicit documentation, it is often beneficial to formalise the easement to avoid disputes. This can involve:

  • Deed of Easement: Drafting a formal deed of easement that clearly outlines the rights and obligations of the parties.
  • Registration: Registering the easement with the Land Registry to ensure it is legally recognised and enforceable.

Implications of Implied Easements

Implied easements have significant implications for both the dominant and servient tenement owners. These implications include rights and obligations, potential disputes, and the impact on property value.

Rights and Obligations

Implied easements confer specific rights and obligations on the parties involved. These include:

Potential Disputes

Disputes over implied easements can arise due to the lack of formal documentation and differing interpretations of the rights and obligations.

Common disputes include:

  • Scope of Use: Disagreements over the extent and manner of the easement’s use.
  • Maintenance Responsibilities: Conflicts regarding who is responsible for maintaining the easement area.
  • Interference: Allegations of interference or obstruction by the servient tenement owner.

Impact on Property Value

Implied easements can impact the value of both the dominant and servient tenements. Key considerations include:

  • Enhancement of Value: An easement can enhance property value by providing essential access or utility rights for the dominant tenement.
  • Reduction of Value: For the servient tenement, the presence of an easement can reduce property value by imposing restrictions and obligations.

Best Practices for Managing Implied Easements

Effectively managing implied easements involves proactive measures to clarify rights, resolve disputes, and maintain harmonious relationships between property owners.

Clarifying Rights and Obligations

Clarifying the rights and obligations associated with an implied easement can help prevent disputes. Best practices include:

  • Formal Documentation: When possible, formalise the easement with a deed or agreement clearly outlining rights and obligations.
  • Clear Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with neighbouring property owners to ensure mutual understanding of the easement.

Resolving Disputes

Prompt and effective dispute resolution is crucial for maintaining good relations between property owners. Strategies include:

  • Negotiation: Attempt to resolve disputes amicably through direct negotiation between the parties.
  • Mediation: Engage a neutral third party to mediate the dispute and help reach a mutually acceptable solution.
  • Legal Action: As a last resort, consider legal action to enforce the easement rights or resolve the dispute through the courts.

Maintaining the Easement Area

Proper maintenance of the easement area is essential to ensure its continued use and avoid conflicts. Best practices include:

  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly maintain the easement area in good condition and prevent obstructions.
  • Shared Responsibilities: Clearly define and agree upon the maintenance responsibilities between the dominant and servient tenement owners.
  • Cost Sharing: If applicable, establish a fair and equitable method for sharing maintenance costs.

Seeking Legal Advice

Given the complexity of implied easements, seeking legal advice is often necessary to ensure compliance with legal standards and protect property rights. Legal professionals can assist with:

  • Easement Creation: Providing guidance on the creation and formalisation of easements.
  • Dispute Resolution: Advising on the best strategies for resolving disputes and enforcing easement rights.
  • Property Transactions: Ensuring implied easements are appropriately considered and addressed in property transactions.


Implied easements are an integral aspect of property law, providing essential rights and obligations that ensure the reasonable use and enjoyment of land. Property owners can navigate these complex issues more effectively and maintain harmonious relationships with their neighbours by understanding the legal framework, types, creation, implications, and best practices for managing implied easements.

DLS Solicitors offers expert guidance on all matters related to implied easements, from initial consultation and legal advice to dispute resolution and formal documentation. Whether you are dealing with an existing implied easement or seeking to establish one, our experienced team is here to assist. Contact us today for a consultation and ensure your property rights are protected and your interests are safeguarded.

Implied Easement FAQ'S

An Implied Easement is a right to use someone else’s land for a specific purpose, which is not expressly granted in a deed but is inferred from the circumstances or the conduct of the parties involved.

Implied Easements can be created in several ways, including by necessity, common intention, or long-term use. They arise without explicit agreement but are inferred based on the use of the land or the intentions of the parties.

An Easement by Necessity arises when a property owner must cross someone else’s land to access their property. This type of easement is implied because the land cannot be used without it.

An Easement by Common Intention occurs when it is evident that the parties intended to create an easement, even though it was not expressly included in the deed. This intention is typically inferred from the way the property is used.

Long-term use can lead to an Implied Easement if someone has been using another person’s land for a specific purpose over a long period (typically 20 years or more), with the landowner’s knowledge and without objection. This is known as an Easement by Prescription.

An Express Easement is explicitly stated in a deed or written agreement, whereas an Implied Easement is inferred from the circumstances, long-term use, or the conduct of the parties.

Yes, an Implied Easement can be terminated in several ways, such as by agreement between the parties, by the cessation of the necessity that created it, or by the abandonment of the easement.

A property owner can challenge an Implied Easement by proving that the conditions necessary for its creation do not exist, such as a lack of necessity, absence of long-term use, or no common intention to create the easement.

For an Easement by Prescription to be recognised, the use must be continuous, open, and as of right (without force, secrecy, or permission) for at least 20 years.

Yes, an Implied Easement can be registered with the Land Registry, but it requires sufficient evidence to prove its existence. Registration helps protect the easement and provides clear notice to future purchasers of the property.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

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