Gift Deed

Gift Deed
Gift Deed
Full Overview Of Gift Deed

A gift deed is a legal document that enables the transfer of property ownership from one individual to another without any exchange of money or other considerations. This transfer, commonly referred to as a ‘gift’, can involve movable or immovable property.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand that gifting assets can be both a generous and strategic decision. This overview aims to comprehensively explain the Gift Deed, its significance, and the legal intricacies involved.

Definition and Purpose

A Gift Deed is a formal legal instrument used to voluntarily transfer ownership of property or assets from one party (the donor) to another (the donee). The essence of a Gift Deed is the donor’s intention to give the property as a gift without expecting any monetary compensation in return. This can include real estate, vehicles, shares, or other valuable items.

The primary purposes of a Gift Deed include:

  1. Expression of Love and Affection: Often, gifts are given out of love, affection, or charity. For instance, parents may gift property to their children or spouses to each other.
  2. Tax Planning: Gifting can be a strategic move for tax planning, allowing individuals to distribute their assets in a manner that may reduce their taxable estate.
  3. Succession Planning: It can serve as a tool for succession planning, ensuring a smooth transfer of assets to the intended beneficiaries without the complexities of a will.

For a Gift Deed to be legally binding and enforceable, it must satisfy several key requirements:

  1. Capacity of the Donor: The donor must be legally competent to make the gift. This means they should be of sound mind, not a minor, and have the legal authority to transfer the property.
  2. Voluntary Transfer: The transfer must be made voluntarily without any coercion, undue influence, or fraud.
  3. Existence of Property: The property being gifted must be in existence and owned by the donor at the time of making the gift.
  4. Acceptance by the Donee: The donee must accept the gift during the lifetime of the donor. Acceptance can be expressed or implied, but it must be clear.
  5. Registration: For immovable property, the Gift Deed must be registered with the relevant local authority. This involves payment of stamp duty and registration fees, as per the jurisdiction’s regulations.
  6. Delivery of Possession: There should be a delivery of possession, symbolically or physically, depending on the nature of the property.

Drafting a Gift Deed

A well-drafted Gift Deed should include several essential elements to ensure its legality and clarity.

At DLS Solicitors, we ensure that every Gift Deed we draft is comprehensive and meticulously prepared. The key components include:

  1. Details of the Parties: Full names, addresses, and identification details of both the donor and the donee.
  2. Description of the Property: A detailed description of the property being gifted, including any relevant identification numbers, location, and size (for real estate).
  3. Statement of Intent: A clear statement that the donor intends to gift the property without any consideration.
  4. Acceptance Clause: A clause stating that the donee accepts the gift.
  5. Date of Transfer: The date on which the gift is made.
  6. Signatures: Signatures of the donor, donee, and witnesses.
  7. Witnesses: Signatures of at least two witnesses who are present during the signing of the Gift Deed.

Types of Gifts

Gifts can be broadly classified into two categories based on the nature of the property:

  1. Movable Property: This includes items such as jewellery, vehicles, shares, and other personal belongings. The transfer of movable property through a Gift Deed does not require registration, but it is advisable to document it formally to avoid future disputes.
  2. Immovable Property: This encompasses real estate, such as land, houses, and buildings. The transfer of immovable property requires registration under the Registration Act of 1908 to be legally effective.

Tax Implications

Gifting property can have significant tax implications for both the donor and the donee. Understanding these implications is crucial for effective financial planning.

  1. Income Tax: Under the Income Tax Act, gifts received from specified relatives are exempt from tax. However, gifts received from non-relatives exceeding a certain value may be taxable in the hands of the donee.
  2. Stamp Duty: Stamp duty is a crucial consideration in the transfer of immovable property. The rate varies by jurisdiction and is typically calculated based on the market value of the property.
  3. Capital Gains Tax: The donor may be liable for capital gains tax if the gift involves the transfer of property that has appreciated in value.

The process of executing a Gift Deed involves several legal formalities and procedural steps:

  1. Preparation of the Gift Deed: Drafting the deed with all necessary details and clauses.
  2. Attestation by Witnesses: The Gift Deed must be signed by the donor and donee in the presence of two witnesses who will also sign the document.
  3. Stamp Duty Payment: Calculating and paying the applicable stamp duty.
  4. Registration: Submitting the Gift Deed to the local sub-registrar office for registration. Both the donor and donee must be present, along with original identification documents.
  5. Delivery of Possession: Handing over possession of the gifted property to the donee

Revocation of a Gift Deed

While gifts are generally irrevocable, there are certain circumstances under which a Gift Deed can be revoked:

  1. Mutual Agreement: The donor and donee can mutually agree to revoke the Gift Deed.
  2. Fraud or Coercion: If it is proven that the gift was made under fraud, coercion, or undue influence, the deed can be revoked.
  3. Non-fulfilment of Conditions: If the gift was conditional and the donee fails to fulfil the conditions, the Gift Deed can be revoked.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Understanding the advantages and potential drawbacks of executing a gift deed is essential for making informed decisions.


  1. Ease of Transfer: A Gift Deed provides a straightforward mechanism for transferring ownership without the need for complex transactions.
  2. Tax Benefits: Strategic gifting can offer tax benefits, such as reducing the taxable estate or avoiding inheritance tax.
  3. Legal Clarity: A well-drafted and registered Gift Deed provides clear legal documentation of the transfer, reducing the risk of disputes.


  1. Irrevocability: Once executed, a Gift Deed is generally irrevocable unless specific conditions for revocation are met.
  2. Tax Implications: There can be tax liabilities associated with gifting, including potential income tax and capital gains tax.
  3. Stamp Duty Costs: The requirement to pay stamp duty on the transfer of immovable property can be a financial burden.

Common Misconceptions

There are several misconceptions surrounding Gift Deeds that need clarification:

  1. Gift Deeds are Always Tax-Free: While gifts to specified relatives are tax-exempt, gifts from non-relatives above a certain threshold are taxable.
  2. No Need for Registration: For immovable property, registration is mandatory to make the transfer legally binding.
  3. Gifts Can Always Be Revoked: Gifts are generally irrevocable, and revocation is only possible under specific conditions.

Case Studies and Examples

To illustrate the practical application of Gift Deeds, consider the following case studies:

Case Study 1: Parental Gift to Children Mr. and Mrs. Smith decided to gift their residential property to their children to ensure a smooth succession of assets. They executed a Gift Deed, detailing the property and their intention to gift it without any consideration. The deed was registered, and the children accepted the gift. This not only secured the property for the next generation but also helped in efficient estate planning.

Case Study 2: Charitable Donation Ms. Johnson, a philanthropist, decided to donate a piece of land to a charitable trust. A Gift Deed was prepared, specifying the land and her intention to donate it for charitable purposes. The trust accepted the gift, and the deed was registered, ensuring the legality of the transfer. This enabled the trust to utilise the land for its charitable activities.


A gift deed is a powerful legal tool that enables the transfer of property without monetary exchange. At DLS Solicitors, we place great emphasis on understanding the legal requirements, tax implications, and procedural formalities involved in executing a gift deed. Whether for personal, charitable, or strategic financial planning purposes, a well-drafted gift deed can ensure a smooth and legally sound transfer of assets. By consulting with legal experts, individuals can navigate the complexities of gifting and make informed decisions that align with their intentions and goals.

Gift Deed FAQ'S

A Gift Deed is a legal document that formally transfers ownership of property or assets from one person (the donor) to another (the donee) without any exchange of money or consideration.

A Gift Deed can be used to transfer both movable and immovable property, including real estate, money, shares, jewellery, and other personal possessions.

Yes, a Gift Deed is legally binding once executed and delivered. It must meet certain legal requirements, including being in writing, signed by the donor, and accepted by the donee.

Registration of a Gift Deed is not generally required for it to be valid. However, if the gift involves real estate, the transfer must be registered with the Land Registry to update the ownership records.

Once a Gift Deed is executed and the gift is delivered, it is generally irrevocable. However, it can be revoked if it is proven that the deed was made under duress, fraud, or undue influence.

Yes, there may be tax implications. In the UK, gifts can be subject to Inheritance Tax if the donor dies within seven years of making the gift. There might also be Capital Gains Tax implications depending on the nature of the asset being gifted.

While it is not legally required to have a solicitor draft a Gift Deed, it is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure that the deed is correctly executed and that all legal implications are considered.

Yes, a minor can be a recipient (donee) of a gift. However, the property or asset is usually held in trust until the minor reaches the age of majority.

A Gift Deed should include the details of the donor and donee, a description of the gifted property, the donor’s intention to gift the property, and a statement of acceptance by the donee. It should also be signed and dated by the donor and donee.

For a Gift Deed to be valid, the donee must accept the gift. If the donee refuses to accept the gift, the deed is not effective, and the property remains with the donor.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Gift Deed. DLS Solicitors. October 22 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Gift Deed. Retrieved October 22 2024, from website:
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