Self-Proved Wills

Self-Proved Wills
Self-Proved Wills
Full Overview Of Self-Proved Wills

In estate planning and probate law, a “self-proved will” is a significant development designed to simplify the legal processes involved in validating a will. Essentially, a self-proved will includes a sworn affidavit from the person making the will (the testator) and the witnesses, confirming the authenticity of the document. This process eliminates the need for witnesses to testify in court during probate, making the transition of the testator’s estate smoother and more efficient. This overview explores the details of self-proved wills, including their advantages, legal requirements, and practical considerations.

Definition and Purpose

A self-proved will is an enhanced version of a traditional will. It is fortified with affidavits from the testator and witnesses, typically notarised, which attest to the proper execution of the will. The primary purpose of a self-proved will is to expedite the probate process by precluding the necessity for witness testimony, thereby reducing potential challenges to the will’s validity.

Historical Context

The concept of self-proved wills was introduced to address the challenges faced in traditional probate processes. Historically, the absence or unavailability of witnesses could significantly delay probate, leading to prolonged legal battles and uncertainties in estate administration. The advent of self-proved wills has mitigated these issues, offering a pragmatic solution that enhances legal certainty and administrative efficiency.

Execution of a Self-Proved Will

Executing a self-proved will involves several critical steps to ensure its validity. These steps are meticulously outlined in legal statutes and must be adhered to with precision:

  1. Drafting the Will: The testator drafts the will, detailing the distribution of their assets, appointment of executors, and any other pertinent instructions.
  2. Witnesses: The will must be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses, who must also sign the document in the presence of the testator. The witnesses should be impartial parties, ideally not beneficiaries under the will, to avoid conflicts of interest.
  3. Affidavits: The testator and witnesses must execute affidavits before a notary public. These affidavits confirm the testator’s identity, their sound mental capacity, and the voluntary nature of the will’s execution. The witnesses affirm that they observed the testator sign the will and that the testator appeared to be of sound mind and free from undue influence.
  4. Notarisation: The notary public notarises the affidavits, thus completing the self-proving process. This notarisation provides an additional layer of authenticity and legal assurance.

Advantages of a Self-Proved Will

Streamlined Probate Process

One of the most significant advantages of a self-proved will is the streamlined probate process. When a will is self-proved, the probate court can accept the will as valid without requiring the witnesses to testify. This expedites the court proceedings, allowing for quicker administration of the estate.

Reduced Litigation Risk

Self-proved wills reduce the risk of litigation by providing clear evidence of the will’s validity. The affidavits serve as a pre-emptive defence against claims of forgery, undue influence, or lack of testamentary capacity. This legal robustness often deters potential challengers, thereby safeguarding the testator’s wishes.


By eliminating the need for witness testimony, self-proved wills can reduce the legal costs associated with probate. The efficiency gained from a streamlined process translates into lower attorney fees and court costs, providing financial benefits to the estate and its beneficiaries.

Practical Considerations

Choosing Witnesses

Selecting appropriate witnesses is crucial for the integrity of a self-proved will. Witnesses should be disinterested parties to ensure impartiality. Ideally, they should be individuals who are likely to be available and reachable at the time of probate. This consideration is particularly important for ensuring the affidavits’ reliability.

Updating the Will

Testators should periodically review and update their wills to reflect changes in their circumstances, such as marriage, divorce, birth of children, or significant acquisitions. When updating a self-proved will, it is essential to follow the same formalities, including the execution of new affidavits and notarisation.


The original self-proved will should be kept in a secure location, such as a safe deposit box or with the testator’s solicitor. Copies should be made and distributed to the executor and other trusted individuals, but it is the original document that holds legal authority during probate.

Common Misconceptions

Misunderstanding the Role of Notarisation

A common misconception is that notarisation alone is sufficient to validate a will. While notarisation is a crucial component of a self-proved will, it must be accompanied by the proper execution and witnessing of the will. The notarised affidavits serve to enhance the will’s credibility but do not replace the need for a duly executed will.

Self-Proved Will vs. Holographic Will

It is important to distinguish between self-proved wills and holographic wills. A holographic will is handwritten and signed by the testator but may lack witnesses or notarisation. While some jurisdictions accept holographic wills, they are more susceptible to challenges. In contrast, a self-proved will adheres to stringent formalities, offering greater legal security.

Jurisdictional Variations

The acceptance and requirements for self-proved wills can vary by jurisdiction. It is imperative for individuals to understand the specific laws governing wills in their region. For instance, the concept of a self-proved will is less prevalent in the United Kingdom than in some other legal systems, such as the United States. However, the principles of sound execution, witnessing, and including affidavits can still provide significant legal advantages.

England and Wales

In England and Wales, the Wills Act 1837 governs the formalities for creating a valid will. While the Act does not specifically mention self-proved wills, the use of affidavits and notarisation can still bolster the will’s validity. Solicitors often recommend incorporating these elements to pre-empt potential disputes.


Scottish law, under the Succession (Scotland) Act 1964, also does not explicitly provide for self-proved wills. However, the principles of proper execution and witnessing remain paramount. The incorporation of affidavits can provide additional assurance of the will’s legitimacy.

Technological Advancements

With the advent of digital technology, there is an ongoing discourse about the potential for electronic wills. While traditional self-proved wills rely on physical documentation and notarisation, the future may see a shift towards digital formats. Electronic wills would require robust legal frameworks to ensure their validity and security, but they could offer enhanced convenience and accessibility.

Evolving Legal Standards

As societal norms and legal standards evolve, the concept of self-proved wills may gain more recognition and formalisation in jurisdictions where it is currently less prevalent. Lawmakers and legal practitioners continually assess and adapt to emerging trends and challenges in estate planning, ensuring that the legal tools available remain effective and relevant.


Self-proved wills are an important development in estate planning and probate law.

By incorporating affidavits and notarization, these wills provide greater legal certainty, simplify the probate process, and reduce the likelihood of legal disputes. While the specific requirements and acceptance of self-proved wills may differ by jurisdiction, their fundamental principles establish a solid framework for ensuring that the wishes of the person making the will are respected with minimal complications.

For individuals aiming to safeguard their legacy and provide for their loved ones, a self-proved will is a wise and forward-thinking decision. Seeking advice from knowledgeable legal professionals, staying informed about relevant legal standards, and carefully following the formalities of will execution can significantly improve the effectiveness of this important estate planning tool.

Self-Proved Wills FAQ'S

In the UK, the concept of a self-proved will, as known in some other jurisdictions, doesn’t formally exist. However, a properly executed will, which follows all legal requirements, is effectively “self-proved” when it is presented for probate.

The will must be in writing, signed by the testator (the person making the will) in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign the will in the presence of the testator.

Witnesses must be over 18, of sound mind, and should not be beneficiaries or the spouse of a beneficiary under the will, as it may invalidate the gift to them.

While it is not legally required to have a solicitor, using one ensures that your will is valid and that your wishes are clearly stated and legally enforceable.

Yes, a will can be contested on several grounds, including lack of testamentary capacity, undue influence, fraud, or if it fails to provide reasonable financial provision under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.

Ensure it is properly executed, consider using a solicitor, include a letter of intent, and possibly a video recording of the signing. Additionally, discuss your intentions with potential beneficiaries to reduce surprises.

If a will is not properly witnessed, it can be declared invalid, and the estate will be distributed according to the rules of intestacy, which may not align with the testator’s wishes.

Yes, you can make changes by creating a codicil, which must be executed with the same formalities as the original will, or by making a new will altogether.

Store your will in a safe place, such as with your solicitor, in a safe deposit box, or with a will storage service. Ensure your executor knows where to find it.

Probate is the legal process of proving a will and administering the deceased’s estate. It ensures that the deceased’s assets are distributed according to the will and that all debts and taxes are paid.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 22nd July 2024.

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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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