
Full Overview Of Legacy

In estate planning, the term “legacy” refers to the passing down of money or personal property through a will. It is a crucial component of the broader estate planning process, allowing individuals to allocate their assets to specific beneficiaries after their death. Legacies are an expression of a person’s final wishes, ensuring that their loved ones and chosen beneficiaries receive the inheritance intended for them. Understanding the intricacies of legacies is essential for effective estate planning, as it ensures the smooth transfer of wealth and minimises potential conflicts among heirs.

Types of Legacies

Legacies can be broadly categorised into several types, each serving different purposes and accommodating varying levels of specificity and intent:

Specific Legacy

A specific legacy involves the bequest of a particular item or a specific sum of money to a named beneficiary. This type of legacy is distinct in its precision, as the item or amount is clearly identified in the will.

Example: “I leave my diamond necklace to my granddaughter, Emily.”

General Legacy

A general legacy is a monetary bequest that does not specify the source of the funds. It is usually paid out of the general assets of the estate.

Example: “I leave £10,000 to my friend, John.”

Demonstrative Legacy

A demonstrative legacy is a monetary gift that specifies the source of the funds from which the bequest should be paid. If the specified source is insufficient, the remaining amount is drawn from the general estate.

Example: “I leave £5,000 to be paid from the sale of my shares in XYZ Corporation to my nephew, Thomas.”

Residuary Legacy

A residuary legacy pertains to the remainder of the estate after all specific, general, and demonstrative legacies have been satisfied, as well as the payment of debts, taxes, and expenses. The residuary beneficiary receives what is left of the estate.

Example: “I leave the residue of my estate to my spouse, Jane.”

Conditional Legacy

A conditional legacy is dependent on the occurrence of a specified event or condition. If the condition is not met, the legacy does not take effect.

Example: “I leave £10,000 to my niece, Sarah, if she graduates from university.”

Importance of Legacies in Estate Planning

Legacies play a vital role in estate planning for several reasons:

Personal Fulfilment

Legacies allow individuals to ensure that their specific wishes regarding the distribution of their assets are honoured. This personal touch provides peace of mind, knowing that loved ones and chosen beneficiaries will receive the intended inheritance.

Financial Support

Through legacies, individuals can provide financial support to their heirs and beneficiaries. This support can be critical in ensuring the financial well-being of family members, friends, or charitable organisations.

Continuity and Legacy

Legacies enable individuals to leave a lasting impact and contribute to their legacy. By allocating assets to future generations or charitable causes, individuals can ensure that their values and contributions continue influencing the future.

Tax Efficiency

In some jurisdictions, legacies can have significant tax implications. For example, charitable legacies may qualify for estate tax deductions, reducing the overall tax liability of the estate. Strategic use of legacies can thus optimise tax outcomes in estate planning.

To ensure that legacies are legally enforceable, several essential requirements must be met:

Testamentary Capacity

The testator must have the legal capacity to make a will, meaning they must be of sound mind and understand the nature and extent of their assets, the act of making a will, and the implications of the legacies being made.

Voluntary Intent

The will must be made voluntarily, without undue influence, coercion, or fraud, and should reflect the testator’s genuine wishes.

Written and Signed Document

The will must be in writing and signed by the testator. Additionally, it typically needs to be witnessed by at least two individuals who are not beneficiaries under the will. The specific requirements can vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Challenges to Legacies

Despite careful planning, legacies can sometimes be contested. Common grounds for challenging legacies include:

Lack of Testamentary Capacity

If it is believed that the testator lacked the mental capacity to make a will, the validity of the legacies can be called into question.

Undue Influence

Claims of undue influence arise when it is alleged that the testator was coerced or manipulated into making certain legacies. Proving undue influence requires demonstrating that the testator’s free will was overpowered by another person.

Fraud or Forgery

Legacies can be contested if there is evidence that the will was forged or if the testator was deceived into making specific legacies.

Ambiguities in the Will

Ambiguous or unclear language in the will can lead to disputes over the interpretation of legacies. It is crucial to use precise and unambiguous language when drafting a will to minimise such issues.

Charitable Legacies

Charitable legacies are a popular way for individuals to leave a lasting legacy and support causes they care about. These legacies can take various forms, including:

Cash Donations

A specific sum of money left to a charitable organisation.

Property Donations

Real estate or other valuable property bequeathed to a charity.


Funds established to provide ongoing financial support to a charitable cause.

Charitable legacies can have significant tax benefits, as many jurisdictions offer tax deductions for donations made to qualifying organisations.

Administration of Legacies

The process of administering legacies involves several key steps:

Identifying and Valuing Assets

The executor of the will must first identify all the assets of the estate and determine their value. This includes both tangible and intangible assets.

Paying Debts and Taxes

Before legacies can be distributed, the estate’s debts, taxes, and expenses must be settled. This ensures that the estate is solvent and that creditors are paid.

Distributing Legacies

Once debts and taxes are paid, the executor distributes the legacies according to the instructions in the will. This may involve transferring ownership of specific items, liquidating assets, or writing checks to beneficiaries.

Keeping Records

The executor must maintain detailed records of all transactions and distributions to ensure transparency and accountability. Beneficiaries should receive a final accounting of the estate.

Modern Considerations in Legacy Planning

Estate planning, including the creation of legacies, has evolved with changing societal norms, laws, and technological advancements. Here are some modern considerations in legacy planning:

Digital Assets

In today’s digital age, many individuals hold significant digital assets, such as online accounts, digital currencies, and intellectual property. Ensuring these assets are included in legacy planning is crucial. Specific instructions on how to access and transfer digital assets should be provided.

Family Dynamics

Modern family structures can be complex, with blended families, multiple marriages, and children from different relationships. Thoughtful legacy planning should take these dynamics into account to ensure fair and equitable distribution.

Social Responsibility

Increasingly, individuals are incorporating social responsibility into their legacy planning by leaving legacies to charitable organisations or creating foundations to support causes they care about. This approach not only supports meaningful causes but can also provide tax benefits.

Legal and Tax Changes

Laws and tax regulations related to inheritance and estate planning can change over time. Regularly reviewing and updating legacy plans ensures they remain compliant with current laws and take advantage of any beneficial tax provisions.


Legacies are an important part of estate planning, allowing individuals to specify how they want their assets distributed according to their personal values and desires. Understanding the different kinds of legacies, the legal requirements for creating a valid will, and the process of administering legacies can help ensure thorough and effective estate plans. Well-planned legacies can bring peace of mind, minimise the potential for disagreements, and leave a lasting impact on loved ones and charitable causes. Seeking advice from legal professionals can be valuable in navigating the complexities of estate planning and guaranteeing that one’s final wishes are respected.

In summary, legacies provide individuals with a powerful means to shape their ultimate contributions to their loved ones and the causes they care about. With careful planning and clear communication of their intentions, individuals can ensure that their legacies continue to provide support and make a lasting impact long after they have passed away. Whether through specific, general, demonstrative, residuary, or conditional legacies, thoughtful allocation of one’s estate can create a meaningful and enduring legacy.

Legacy FAQ'S

A legacy in the context of a will is a gift of money or property left to someone in a will. It can be a specific item, a sum of money, or a particular piece of property that the testator (the person who made the will) wishes to leave to a beneficiary.

There are several types of legacies:

  • Pecuniary Legacy: A specific sum of money.
  • Specific Legacy: A particular item or piece of property.
  • Residuary Legacy: A portion of the remainder of the estate after all other legacies, debts, and expenses have been paid.
  • Demonstrative Legacy: A gift of money from a specified source.

Yes, a legacy can be conditional, meaning the beneficiary must meet certain conditions to receive the gift. For example, a legacy may be conditional on the beneficiary reaching a certain age or completing a certain task or milestone.

If a beneficiary predeceases the testator, the legacy typically lapses and becomes part of the residuary estate unless the will specifies an alternative beneficiary or includes a survivorship clause. However, if the beneficiary is a child or grandchild of the testator, the legacy may pass to their descendants under the Wills Act 1837.

If the estate’s assets are insufficient to cover all legacies, the legacies are typically distributed in the following order:

  1. Specific legacies.
  2. Demonstrative legacies.
  3. Pecuniary legacies.
  4. Residuary legacies. Legacies may be reduced proportionately if necessary to cover debts and administration costs first.

Yes, a legacy can be changed after the will is written by creating a codicil or drafting a new will. A codicil is an amendment to the original will, while a new will revokes and replaces the old one.

Legacies may be subject to inheritance tax if the total value of the estate exceeds the tax-free threshold (nil-rate band). However, legacies left to a spouse, civil partner, or charity are usually exempt from inheritance tax.

To ensure your legacy is distributed according to your wishes, it is important to:

A charitable legacy is a gift left to a charity in a will. This can be a specific amount of money, a particular asset, or a percentage of the residuary estate. Charitable legacies are exempt from inheritance tax and can reduce the overall tax liability of the estate.

Yes, a legacy can be contested, usually on grounds such as lack of testamentary capacity, undue influence, fraud, or improper execution of the will. Beneficiaries or those who feel they have been unfairly treated may seek legal action to challenge the validity of the legacy or the will itself.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

  • Page URL:https://dlssolicitors.com/define/legacy/
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Legacy. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. October 22 2024 https://dlssolicitors.com/define/legacy/.
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Legacy. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. https://dlssolicitors.com/define/legacy/ (accessed: October 22 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Legacy. dlssolicitors.com. Retrieved October 22 2024, from dlssolicitors.com website: https://dlssolicitors.com/define/legacy/
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