Legal Separation

Legal Separation
Legal Separation
Full Overview Of Legal Separation

Legal separation, while less common than divorce, is an important legal option for couples who want to live apart without ending their marriage. At DLS Solicitors, we recognise the complex and sensitive nature of marital issues and strive to offer thorough guidance on legal separation. This summary explains the definition, benefits, process, and factors involved in obtaining a legal separation, as well as practical advice to assist you through this difficult time.

Definition and Distinction from Divorce

Legal separation is a formal arrangement whereby a married couple lives apart while remaining legally married. This separation is typically sanctioned by a court order and involves a legal document outlining the rights and responsibilities of each spouse during the separation period.

Unlike divorce, legal separation does not terminate the marriage. The spouses remain legally married and cannot remarry unless they subsequently obtain a divorce. Legal separation addresses key issues such as division of assets, child custody and support, spousal maintenance, and living arrangements.

  • Time and Space for Reflection: Legal separation provides couples with time apart to reflect on their relationship, consider their future, and possibly reconcile without the finality of divorce.
  • Financial Benefits: Remaining legally married can offer financial advantages, including tax benefits, healthcare coverage, and access to pension or social security benefits that might be lost in a divorce.
  • Religious or Ethical Considerations: For some couples, divorce may be unacceptable due to religious or personal beliefs. Legal separation allows them to live apart while honouring their values.
  • Child Welfare: Legal separation can provide a stable and structured environment for children, outlining clear custody arrangements and support obligations without the potentially adversarial nature of divorce proceedings.
  • Preservation of Marital Status: Some couples prefer to maintain their marital status for personal, social, or familial reasons, and legal separation allows them to do so while addressing practical issues.

Obtaining a legal separation involves several steps, each requiring careful consideration and professional advice:

  1. Grounds for Legal Separation: In the UK, couples must demonstrate that their marriage has irretrievably broken down based on specific grounds, similar to those required for divorce, such as unreasonable behaviour, adultery, desertion, or mutual consent after two years of separation.
  2. Filing a Petition: One spouse must file a petition for judicial separation with the court. This petition outlines the reasons for seeking legal separation and the proposed arrangements for children, finances, and other relevant issues.
  3. Service of the Petition: The petition must be served to the other spouse, who then has the opportunity to respond and agree or contest the terms proposed.
  4. Negotiation and Mediation: Spouses are encouraged to negotiate and mediate the terms of their separation agreement, covering aspects such as asset division, child custody, spousal maintenance, and living arrangements.
  5. Court Hearing and Decree of Judicial Separation: If the parties agree, the court will review the terms and issue a decree of judicial separation. If there are disputes, the court may hold a hearing to resolve the issues and then grant the decree.

Financial Considerations

Legal separation involves careful financial planning and equitable division of assets and liabilities. Key financial considerations include:

  • Asset Division: Similar to divorce, the division of marital assets, including property, savings, investments, and personal belongings, must be addressed. Legal separation agreements detail how these assets will be distributed.
  • Spousal Maintenance: One spouse may be required to provide financial support to the other. The amount and duration of maintenance depend on factors such as income, earning capacity, standard of living, and the length of the marriage.
  • Child Support: Both parents are responsible for financially supporting their children. Legal separation agreements specify the amount of child support, payment schedule, and provisions for additional expenses such as education and healthcare.
  • Debt Division: Liabilities and debts accumulated during the marriage must also be divided. This includes mortgages, loans, credit card debts, and other financial obligations.
  • Pension Rights: Pension entitlements accrued during the marriage may need to be considered and divided as part of the legal separation process.

Child Custody and Support

Children’s welfare is a paramount concern in legal separation cases. The court aims to ensure that the best interests of the children are prioritised, with clear arrangements for custody and support.

  • Custody and Residence: Legal separation agreements detail where the children will live and the custody arrangements. This can include sole custody to one parent or shared custody, depending on what is deemed best for the children.
  • Visitation and Contact: The non-residential parent is typically granted visitation rights, ensuring they maintain a meaningful relationship with their children. The agreement specifies the schedule and conditions for these visits.
  • Child Support: The agreement outlines the financial support provided by the non-custodial parent to contribute to the children’s living expenses, education, and healthcare needs.
  • Parental Responsibility: Both parents retain their legal responsibilities and rights concerning their children, including decisions about their education, healthcare, and general welfare.

Potential Challenges and Considerations

While legal separation can provide many benefits, it also presents challenges and requires careful consideration.

  • Emotional Impact: The process of legal separation can be emotionally taxing for both spouses and their children. Professional counselling and support may be beneficial to navigate this difficult period.
  • Legal and Financial Costs: Legal separation involves costs associated with legal fees, court proceedings, and financial settlements. Budgeting for these expenses is essential.
  • Future Uncertainty: Legal separation leaves the marriage legally intact, which can create uncertainty about the future. If reconciliation is not possible, transitioning to a divorce may be necessary.
  • Complex Negotiations: Reaching an agreement on the terms of the separation can be complex, particularly when there are significant assets, debts, or contentious issues involved. Skilled negotiation and mediation are often required.
  • Ongoing Legal Obligations: As the marriage is not dissolved, spouses may still have legal obligations to each other, such as inheritance rights, which can complicate future financial planning.

At DLS Solicitors, we offer practical advice to help couples considering legal separation:

  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consulting with experienced solicitors is crucial to understanding your legal rights, obligations, and options. Professional advice ensures that you make informed decisions and protect your interests.
  • Open Communication: Open and honest communication between spouses can facilitate a smoother separation process. Discuss your concerns, expectations, and goals to find common ground and reach amicable agreements.
  • Prioritise Children’s Welfare: Always prioritise the best interests of your children. Ensure that custody arrangements, support obligations, and living arrangements provide stability and security for them.
  • Financial Planning: Thoroughly assess your financial situation, including assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. Develop a realistic budget and financial plan to manage the transition.
  • Consider Mediation: Mediation can be an effective way to resolve disputes and reach mutually agreeable terms. A neutral mediator can help facilitate constructive discussions and find solutions that work for both parties.
  • Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all communications, agreements, and financial transactions. Proper documentation can be invaluable in the event of future disputes or legal proceedings.
  • Think Long-Term: Consider the long-term implications of legal separation on your finances, children, and personal well-being. Make decisions that align with your long-term goals and values.

To illustrate the practical application and benefits of legal separation, consider the following hypothetical case study:

The Smiths’ Legal Separation

John and Mary Smith had been married for 15 years and decided to pursue legal separation due to irreconcilable differences. They wanted time apart to reassess their relationship without the finality of divorce. With the assistance of DLS Solicitors, they followed these steps:

  1. Grounds for Separation: John cited unreasonable behaviour as the ground for legal separation, and Mary agreed to the separation.
  2. Filing and Service: John filed a petition for judicial separation, which was served to Mary. She responded, agreeing to the proposed terms.
  3. Negotiation and Mediation: With the help of their solicitors and a mediator, John and Mary negotiated the terms of their separation agreement. They agreed on the division of their marital home, savings, and investments. John would keep the house, while Mary would receive a lump sum and a share of John’s pension.
  4. Child Custody and Support: They agreed to share custody of their two children, with the children living with each parent on alternate weeks. John agreed to pay child support to cover additional expenses.
  5. Spousal Maintenance: John agreed to provide spousal maintenance to Mary for five years to help her transition to financial independence.
  6. Court Approval: The court reviewed the agreement, found it fair and reasonable, and issued a decree of judicial separation.

The Smiths’ legal separation provided them with the necessary time and space to evaluate their future, ensured financial stability for both parties, and prioritised the welfare of their children.


Legal separation is a valuable option for couples who want to live apart while remaining legally married. It has several benefits, including financial advantages and the ability to maintain marital status for personal or religious reasons. However, legal separation involves complex legal, financial, and emotional considerations.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and expert guidance to couples who are considering legal separation. We aim to help you navigate the process with clarity and confidence, ensuring that your rights and interests are protected.

Whether you are thinking about legal separation, need assistance with the legal process, or require advice on related matters, our experienced team is here to help. We understand the sensitivity of marital issues and strive to provide compassionate, professional, and practical solutions tailored to your unique circumstances.

In summary, legal separation allows couples to address critical aspects of their lives, such as financial arrangements and child custody, while keeping the door open for future reconciliation or the transition to divorce. With careful planning, informed decision-making, and the right legal support, you can achieve a separation that meets your needs and your family’s.

Legal Separation FAQ'S

A legal separation, also known as a judicial separation, is a formal process where a married couple legally formalises their separation without ending the marriage. It allows couples to live apart and settle financial and childcare arrangements while remaining legally married.

Legal separation does not end the marriage, whereas divorce legally terminates it. Couples who opt for legal separation remain married and cannot remarry. Legal separation is often chosen for religious, financial, or personal reasons.

The grounds for legal separation are similar to those for divorce and include adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion for two years, two years’ separation with consent, and five years’ separation without consent. Unlike divorce, there is no requirement to prove that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.

To apply for legal separation, one spouse must file a petition with the family court citing one of the grounds for separation. The court reviews the petition and, if satisfied, grants a decree of judicial separation, which formalises the separation.

During a legal separation, the court can make financial orders similar to those in a divorce. These can include spousal maintenance, division of assets, child maintenance, and arrangements for any shared property. These orders ensure that financial responsibilities are clear while the couple remains separated.

Yes, a legal separation can be converted into a divorce if the couple decides to end their marriage. The process involves filing for divorce and proving that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. Any financial arrangements made during the legal separation can be reviewed and adjusted during the divorce process.

During a legal separation, spouses remain legally married and retain their inheritance rights. However, they can enter into a separation agreement that may address inheritance issues. Without such an agreement, spouses can still inherit from each other unless a will states otherwise.

Legal separation allows the court to make orders regarding child custody, visitation, and support. These orders prioritise the children’s best interests and provide a structured framework for parenting responsibilities while the parents are separated.

No, legally separated spouses cannot remarry since they are still legally married. To remarry, they must obtain a divorce, which legally terminates the marriage and allows them to enter into a new marriage.

The advantages of legal separation include the ability to formalise living arrangements and financial responsibilities without ending the marriage. It allows couples to live apart and reassess their relationship while maintaining certain legal benefits, such as inheritance rights and tax advantages. It can also be a suitable option for couples with religious or personal reasons for not seeking a divorce.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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