Define: Notice To Quit

Notice To Quit
Notice To Quit
Quick Summary of Notice To Quit

A Notice to Quit is a legal notice given by a landlord to a tenant, informing them that their tenancy is being terminated and that they must vacate the premises by a certain date. The specific requirements for a Notice to Quit, including the length of notice and reasons for termination, can vary depending on local landlord-tenant laws and the terms of the lease agreement. Notices to Quit are typically used in cases of lease violations, non-payment of rent, or when a landlord wishes to end a tenancy for other reasons, such as renovations or personal use of the property. Failure to comply with a Notice to Quit may result in eviction proceedings being initiated by the landlord.

What is the dictionary definition of Notice To Quit?
Dictionary Definition of Notice To Quit
n. the notice given by a landlord (owner) to a tenant to leave the premises (quit) either by a certain date (usually 30 days) or to pay overdue rent or correct some other default (having pets, having caused damage, too many roommates, using the property for illegal purposes, etc.) within a short time (usually three days). A notice to quit must contain certain information, such as: names of the persons to leave, whether their tenancy is by written or oral agreement, an amount of any financial delinquency and the period it covers, and to whom they should surrender the premises. If the tenant is month-to-month, a notice to quit without reference to default usually requires no reason. Although state laws vary, generally the notice must be served personally on the tenant or posted in a prominent place like the front door with a copy sent by certified mail. Such notice and failure of the tenant to quit (leave) is a requirement to bring a lawsuit for unlawful detainer (often referred to as "eviction").
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Notice To Quit. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Notice To Quit. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Notice To Quit. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: