Probate Form

Probate Form
Probate Form
Full Overview Of Probate Form

Probate forms play an essential role in the estate administration process after someone passes away. They help legally validate a will and appoint an executor or administrator to manage the deceased person’s estate.

At DLS Solicitors, we have a deep understanding of the complexities involved in filling out probate forms. We aim to offer a comprehensive overview of their importance, components, legal framework, and best practices for accurate completion. This guide aims to simplify the probate form process, ensuring that executors and administrators are well-prepared to handle this crucial aspect of estate administration.

Understanding Probate Forms

A probate form is an official document required to obtain a grant of probate or letters of administration, which gives the executor or administrator the legal authority to manage and distribute the deceased’s estate. The primary purposes of probate forms include:

  1. Legal Validation: They validate the will, confirming its legitimacy and the testator’s intentions.
  2. Authority to Act: They grant the executor or administrator the authority to act on behalf of the deceased.
  3. Estate Administration: They facilitate the proper administration of the estate, ensuring that all assets are managed and distributed according to the will or the rules of intestacy.

Key Probate Forms and Their Components

In the UK, several probate forms may be required, depending on the specific circumstances of the estate. The most commonly used forms include:

  1. PA1P – Application for Probate (with a Will): This form is used when the deceased left a will, and the executor named in the will is applying for probate.
  2. PA1A – Application for Letters of Administration (without a Will): This form is used when the deceased did not leave a will, and an administrator is applying for the authority to manage the estate.
  3. IHT Forms – Inheritance Tax Forms: Various forms, such as IHT205, IHT400, and IHT421 are used to report the value of the estate and calculate any inheritance tax due.

Components of PA1P

The PA1P form is divided into several sections, each requiring specific information about the deceased and the estate:

  1. Personal Details: Information about the deceased, including their full name, date of birth, date of death, and last known address.
  2. Executors’ Details: Details of the executors applying for probate, including their names, addresses, and contact information.
  3. Will and Codicils: Information about the will, including the date it was made, and any codicils (amendments) attached to it.
  4. Estate Value: An estimate of the estate’s value, including assets and liabilities, and whether inheritance tax is likely to be payable.
  5. Funeral Expenses: Details of any funeral expenses paid from the estate.
  6. Beneficiaries: Information about the beneficiaries named in the will and their respective entitlements.
  7. Declaration: A declaration by the executors confirming the accuracy of the information provided and their commitment to administer the estate according to the law.

Components of PA1A

The PA1A form, used when there is no will, includes similar sections but with additional focus on the rules of intestacy:

  1. Personal Details: Information about the deceased and their family members.
  2. Administrators’ Details: Details of the administrators applying for letters of administration.
  3. Estate Value: An estimate of the estate’s value, including assets and liabilities.
  4. Funeral Expenses: Details of any funeral expenses paid from the estate.
  5. Beneficiaries: Information about the deceased’s relatives who are entitled to inherit under the rules of intestacy.
  6. Declaration: A declaration by the administrators confirming the accuracy of the information provided and their commitment to administer the estate according to the law.

The probate process in the UK is governed by several key pieces of legislation and regulations, ensuring that estates are administered fairly and efficiently:

  1. Administration of Estates Act 1925: This act provides the legal framework for the distribution of estates, whether there is a will or not.
  2. Non-Contentious Probate Rules 1987: These rules set out the procedural requirements for applying for probate or letters of administration.
  3. Inheritance Tax Act 1984: This act governs the assessment and payment of inheritance tax, which is a crucial aspect of estate administration.
  4. Trustee Act 2000: This act outlines the duties and responsibilities of trustees, including executors and administrators, in managing estate assets.

Best Practices in Completing Probate Forms

Accurate and thorough completion of probate forms is essential to ensure a smooth and efficient probate process. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Gather Comprehensive Information: Before starting the forms, gather all necessary information about the deceased, their assets, liabilities, and beneficiaries. This will make the process more efficient and reduce the risk of errors.
  2. Understand the Forms: Take the time to read and understand each section of the forms. This will help ensure that all required information is provided accurately.
  3. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider seeking assistance from a solicitor who specialises in probate matters. Their expertise can be invaluable in navigating complex estates and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
  4. Double-Check Details: Before submitting the forms, double-check all details for accuracy and completeness. Mistakes or omissions can lead to delays in the probate process.
  5. Keep Copies: Keep copies of all completed forms and supporting documents for your records. This can be helpful if any issues arise or if additional information is requested.
  6. Timely Submission: Submit the forms in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary delays in the administration of the estate.

Challenges in Completing Probate Forms

Completing probate forms can present several challenges, especially for those unfamiliar with the process:

Complex Estates

  1. Multiple Assets: Estates with multiple types of assets, such as real estate, investments, and personal property, can be challenging to value and report accurately.
  2. Overseas Assets: If the deceased owned assets in other countries, additional legal and procedural steps may be required to value and manage these assets.

Disputes and Contests

  1. Will Contests: If there are disputes over the validity of the will, this can complicate the probate process and require additional legal intervention.
  2. Beneficiary Disputes: Disagreements among beneficiaries regarding the distribution of assets can lead to delays and complications.

Tax Considerations

  1. Inheritance Tax: Accurately calculating and reporting inheritance tax can be complex, particularly for larger estates or those with unique assets.
  2. Tax Reliefs and Exemptions: Understanding and applying for available tax reliefs and exemptions requires careful attention to detail and knowledge of current tax laws.

Solicitors-in-Completing-Probate-Forms">Role of Solicitors in Completing Probate Forms

Solicitors play a crucial role in the probate process, providing expert guidance and support to executors and administrators. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Legal Advice: Advising on the legal requirements and procedures for probate and estate administration.
  2. Form Completion: Assisting with the accurate completion of probate forms and ensuring that all necessary information is provided.
  3. Estate Valuation: Helping to accurately value the estate’s assets and liabilities, which is essential for tax calculations and reporting.
  4. Tax Advice: Providing guidance on inheritance tax and other tax matters, ensuring that all obligations are met.
  5. Dispute Resolution: Mediating disputes among beneficiaries and providing representation in contentious probate cases if necessary.

Case Study: Navigating a Complex Probate Form

To illustrate the complexities involved in completing probate forms, let’s consider a scenario with an estate containing diverse assets and potential disputes:


Mrs. Taylor, a successful businesswoman, passed away, leaving a substantial estate that included:

  • A primary residence valued at £1.2 million
  • A holiday home in France
  • Shares in multiple companies
  • An extensive art collection
  • Several bank accounts and investment portfolios
  • Outstanding debts, including a mortgage and business loans

Steps Taken

  1. Engagement of Professionals: The executor engaged DLS Solicitors to assist with the probate process, including the completion of probate forms and the valuation of the estate.
  2. Information Gathering: Detailed information was gathered about the deceased’s assets, liabilities, and beneficiaries.
  3. Estate Valuation: Professional appraisals were obtained for the real estate, art collection, and business shares to ensure accurate valuations.
  4. Form Completion: The solicitors assisted in completing the PA1P form, ensuring all sections were accurately filled out and all required supporting documents were included.
  5. Inheritance Tax Reporting: The IHT400 form was completed, detailing the estate’s value and calculating the inheritance tax due. Reliefs and exemptions were applied where applicable.
  6. Dispute Mediation: The solicitors mediated a dispute among beneficiaries regarding the distribution of the art collection, ensuring a fair and amicable resolution.


The accurate and thorough completion of the probate forms, combined with professional legal assistance, ensured that:

  • The probate application was processed efficiently, with no delays or complications.
  • The correct amount of inheritance tax was calculated and paid.
  • Assets were distributed fairly among the beneficiaries, in accordance with Mrs. Taylor’s will.
  • Potential disputes were resolved promptly, maintaining harmony among the beneficiaries.


Probate forms play a crucial role in the probate process by legally validating a will and appointing an executor or administrator to manage and distribute the deceased’s estate. It is important to understand these forms, their components, and the legal framework governing them to ensure a smooth and efficient probate process.

At DLS Solicitors, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance to executors and administrators as they navigate the complexities of probate forms. We offer expert advice and professional assistance to ensure that all necessary forms are accurately completed and submitted in a timely manner, facilitating the proper administration of the estate.

With the right support and resources, challenges such as dealing with complex estates or disputes among beneficiaries can be effectively managed. Whether it’s a straightforward estate or a complex portfolio of assets, understanding the importance of accurate probate forms and their role in estate administration is essential for navigating this critical aspect of post-mortem affairs.

Probate Form FAQ'S

A probate form is a legal document used to apply for the legal right to manage the estate of a deceased person. The form is submitted to the Probate Registry to obtain a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration.

The Grant of Probate is a legal document that gives the executor(s) the authority to deal with the deceased person’s assets, including closing accounts, selling property, and distributing the estate according to the Will.

If the deceased left a valid Will, you need to complete form PA1P (Probate Application) to apply for a Grant of Probate.

If the deceased did not leave a Will, you need to complete form PA1A (Letters of Administration) to apply for the legal right to manage the deceased’s estate.

The form requires information about the deceased (name, date of birth, date of death), details of the Will (if applicable), the value of the estate, and the applicant’s details and relationship to the deceased.

Yes, you need to submit the original Will (if applicable), the death certificate, and an inheritance tax form (either IHT205 or IHT400, depending on the estate value).

Form IHT205 is used for estates where no inheritance tax is due, typically because the estate’s value is below the threshold or it qualifies for full spouse or charity exemptions.

Form IHT400 is used for estates that are subject to inheritance tax, where the estate’s value exceeds the inheritance tax threshold or does not qualify for exemptions.

The time can vary, but it typically takes around eight weeks after the application is submitted and all necessary documents are provided. Delays can occur if there are complications or additional information is required.

Yes, in England and Wales, you can apply for probate online through the government’s online probate service. This service allows you to complete and submit the probate application form and pay the fee electronically.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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