Probate Issuance

Probate Issuance
Probate Issuance
Full Overview Of Probate Issuance

In the United Kingdom, probate issuance is the legal process of validating a will and then managing the deceased person’s estate according to the will or the law if there is no will. This process guarantees that the assets of the deceased are distributed to the appropriate beneficiaries and that any debts or taxes are properly settled. The probate process can be intricate, involving multiple steps and legal requirements, so it is essential for executors, beneficiaries, and legal professionals to have a good understanding of it.

What is probate?

Probate is derived from the Latin term “probatum,” meaning “proved.” In legal terms, probate refers to the process of validating a deceased person’s will. It involves the official recognition of the executor named in the will, giving them the legal authority to manage and distribute the deceased’s estate. If the deceased did not leave a will, the process is still commonly referred to as probate, though technically, it involves applying for “letters of administration.”

The Importance of Probate

Probate is essential for several reasons:

  1. Validation of the Will: This ensures that the will is authentic and valid.
  2. Legal Authority: Grants the executor or administrator the legal authority to deal with the deceased’s assets.
  3. Debt Settlement: Ensures that all debts and taxes owed by the deceased are paid before distribution to beneficiaries.
  4. Clear Title Transfer: Facilitates the transfer of property and other assets to beneficiaries.

When is probate required?

Not all estates require probate. Probate is generally needed if the deceased owned property or substantial assets solely in their name. Some circumstances where probate may be required include:

  • The deceased owned property, such as a house or land.
  • The deceased had significant bank accounts, shares, or other financial assets.
  • The deceased left a will that names an executor.

Conversely, probate might not be necessary if:

  • The estate is small and includes no property.
  • Assets were held in joint names and passed automatically to the surviving co-owner.
  • The deceased’s estate consists of only low-value assets, and financial institutions are willing to release funds without probate.

The Probate Process

Step 1: Obtaining the Death Certificate

The process begins with registering the death and obtaining an official death certificate from the local registry office. This document is essential for all subsequent legal and financial dealings.

Step 2: Locating the Will

The next step is to locate the will, if one exists. The will names the executor(s) responsible for managing the estate. If no will is found, the estate is considered intestate, and the process of obtaining letters of administration begins.

Step 3: Assessing the Estate

The executor or administrator must assess the deceased’s estate, identifying and valuing all assets and liabilities. This includes property, bank accounts, investments, personal belongings, and any outstanding debts.

Step 4: Applying for Probate

To obtain probate, the executor must complete and submit a probate application to the Probate Registry. This involves filling out the PA1P form (for probate if there is a will) or PA1A form (for letters of administration if there is no will). Along with the application, the original will (if applicable), the death certificate, and the estate valuation must be submitted.

Step 5: Paying Inheritance Tax

Before probate is granted, any inheritance tax (IHT) due must be paid. The executor must submit an IHT return to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), even if no tax is owed. The IHT is usually due within six months of the date of death, and failure to pay can result in interest and penalties.

Step 6: Issuance of the Grant of Probate

Once the Probate Registry approves the application, they issue the Grant of Probate (or Letters of Administration). This legal document officially appoints the executor or administrator and grants them the authority to deal with the deceased’s estate.

Step 7: Collecting the Assets

With the grant in hand, the executor can now collect the deceased’s assets. This may involve closing bank accounts, selling property, and gathering investments. The executor must ensure all assets are accounted for and properly valued.

Step 8: Settling Debts and Taxes

The executor must pay any outstanding debts and taxes from the estate’s assets. This includes settling any bills, loans, or credit card debts, as well as finalising the deceased’s income tax and any remaining IHT.

Step 9: Distributing the Estate

Once all debts and taxes are paid, the executor can distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries as specified in the will or according to the rules of intestacy if no will exists. This involves transferring property, distributing funds, and ensuring all beneficiaries receive their due inheritance.

Step 10: Finalising the Estate

The final step is to ensure that all legal and financial matters are settled and to provide a final account of the estate’s administration to the beneficiaries. The executor’s duties are complete once all assets are distributed and any disputes or issues are resolved.

The Role of the Executor

The executor plays a crucial role in the probate process. Their responsibilities include:

  • Locating the Will: Finding and safeguarding the will.
  • Valuing the Estate: Assessing the value of the deceased’s assets and liabilities.
  • Applying for Probate: Submitting the necessary documents to the Probate Registry.
  • Paying Debts and Taxes: Settling any outstanding financial obligations.
  • Distributing Assets: Ensuring the beneficiaries receive their inheritance.

Being an executor can be a daunting task, often requiring significant time and effort. Executors are also legally liable for any errors or omissions, making it essential to handle the process with diligence and accuracy.

Intestacy: What Happens Without a Will?

When someone passes away without a will, it is known as dying intestate. In such situations, the estate is divided based on the rules of intestacy, which give priority to specific relatives. These rules determine the inheritance based on the relationship to the deceased.

  • Spouse or Civil Partner: The spouse or civil partner usually inherits the majority, if not all, of the estate.
  • Children: If there are no surviving spouses, the estate is divided among the children.
  • Other Relatives: If there are no children, the estate is distributed to other relatives, such as parents, siblings, or nieces and nephews.

It is important to note that intestacy rules do not recognise unmarried partners, even if they have been cohabiting for many years. As a result, the partner may receive nothing, highlighting the importance of having a valid will in place.

Common Challenges in the Probate Process

Disputes Among Beneficiaries

Disagreements among beneficiaries can complicate the probate process. Such disputes may arise over the validity of the will, the valuation of assets, or the distribution of the estate. In these cases, mediation or legal intervention may be necessary to resolve the issues.

Missing or Unidentified Assets

Locating all of the deceased’s assets can be challenging, particularly if they have investments, property, or accounts that are not well-documented. Executors must conduct thorough searches and may need to engage professionals to ensure all assets are identified and valued.

Tax Complications

Inheritance tax and other tax obligations can be complex, particularly for large or complicated estates. Executors must ensure accurate tax calculations and timely payments to avoid penalties and interest.

Delays in Probate

Various factors can delay the probate process, including incomplete documentation, disputes, or difficulty valuing assets. Delays can be frustrating for beneficiaries waiting for their inheritance, and they can prolong the executor’s responsibilities.

Professional Assistance with Probate

Given the complexity and potential challenges of the probate process, many executors and beneficiaries seek professional assistance. Solicitors, accountants, and probate specialists can provide valuable support, ensuring the process is handled efficiently and in compliance with legal requirements.


Solicitors offer comprehensive probate services, from initial advice and will drafting to full estate administration. They can handle all legal aspects, including applying for probate, managing disputes, and ensuring tax compliance.

Probate Specialists

Probate specialists focus exclusively on probate and estate administration. They offer expertise in navigating the process, dealing with HMRC, and managing complex estates.


Accountants can provide crucial support for estates with significant financial assets or complicated tax situations. They assist with valuing assets, preparing tax returns, and accurately handling all financial matters.


Probate issuance is vital to properly administrating a deceased person’s estate. While it can be complex and time-consuming, understanding the steps involved and seeking professional assistance when necessary can significantly ease the burden on executors and beneficiaries.

Whether dealing with a simple estate or a more complex one, being well-informed about probate can help ensure that the deceased’s wishes are honoured, debts are settled, and assets are distributed fairly and legally.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing expert guidance and support throughout the probate process, helping our clients navigate this challenging time with confidence and peace of mind.

Probate Issuance FAQ'S

Probate issuance is the process by which the Probate Registry grants an official document (Grant of Probate) that authorises the executor(s) named in a will to administer the deceased’s estate.

The executor(s) named in the will can apply for a Grant of Probate. If there is no will (intestate), an administrator, usually a close relative, must apply for Letters of Administration.

The required documents typically include the original will, the death certificate, a completed probate application form (PA1P for those with a will), and an inheritance tax form (IHT205 or IHT400, depending on the estate’s value).

Applications can be made online through the government’s probate service or by post. The application involves completing the necessary forms, paying the probate fee, and submitting the required documents to the Probate Registry.

As of 2024, the probate application fee is £273 for estates over £5,000. There is no fee for estates valued at £5,000 or less. Additional costs may include professional fees if you use a solicitor.

The process typically takes around 8-12 weeks from the time the application is submitted, assuming there are no complications. Delays can occur if there are errors in the application or if further information is required.

If multiple executors are named, all must agree to apply for probate. If not all wish to act, they can renounce their role or reserve their power to act later. The remaining executors can then apply for the Grant of Probate.

Probate cannot be issued until any disputes over the will are resolved. If the will is contested, the process can be delayed significantly as the matter may need to be settled through negotiation or court proceedings.

If the estate includes foreign assets, you may need to obtain a separate grant of probate in the country where the assets are located. Some countries accept the UK Grant of Probate, while others require a local process.

If the original will cannot be found, the Probate Registry may accept a copy if there is sufficient evidence that the original was lost but not revoked. You may need to provide affidavits from those who saw the original will or had knowledge of its contents.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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