Section 20 Notice

Section 20 Notice
Section 20 Notice
Full Overview Of Section 20 Notice

Navigating the intricacies of property management, especially within the context of leasehold properties, necessitates a clear understanding of various legislative requirements. One such critical aspect is the Section 20 Notice, a component of England and Wales’s Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. This notice is pivotal in ensuring transparency and fairness when landlords or managing agents undertake significant work or enter long-term agreements.

At DLS Solicitors, we aim to provide an in-depth overview of the Section 20 Notice, exploring its purpose, process, and implications for landlords and leaseholders.

What is a Section 20 Notice?

A Section 20 Notice is a statutory requirement to protect leaseholders from being unfairly charged for major works or long-term agreements. It ensures that leaseholders are adequately informed and have an opportunity to provide input before substantial costs are incurred. The notice is part of the broader framework established by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, which aims to regulate the relationship between landlords and leaseholders, particularly regarding service charges and maintenance obligations.

Key Purposes of Section 20

  1. Transparency: Ensures leaseholders are fully aware of proposed major works or long-term contracts.
  2. Consultation: Provides leaseholders the opportunity to be involved in the decision-making process.
  3. Fairness: Aims to prevent excessive charges by requiring landlords to seek competitive quotes.
  4. Accountability: Ensures landlords and managing agents act in all parties’ best interests.

When is a Section 20 Notice Required?

A Section 20 Notice is required under two primary circumstances:

  1. Major Works: When the cost of the works to any one leaseholder exceeds £250.
  2. Long-term Agreements: When agreeing to a term of more than 12 months, and the cost exceeds £100 per leaseholder per year.

Examples of Major Works

  • Roof replacements
  • Structural repairs
  • Significant plumbing or electrical work
  • External redecorations

Examples of Long-term Agreements

  • Cleaning contracts
  • Lift maintenance services
  • Grounds maintenance agreements

The Section 20 Consultation Process

The consultation process is typically divided into three key stages, ensuring leaseholders can engage with and influence the proposed works or agreements.

Stage 1: Notice of Intention

The first step in the Section 20 process is the Notice of Intention. This notice informs leaseholders that the landlord intends to complete significant works or enter a long-term agreement.

Key Components of the Notice of Intention:

  • Description of Works/Agreement: A clear outline of the proposed works or agreement.
  • Reason for Works/Agreement: Explanation of why the works or agreement are necessary.
  • Invitation for Observations: Leaseholders can make written observations within a specified period (minimum 30 days).
  • Nomination of Contractors: Leaseholders can nominate contractors who should be invited to provide estimates.

Stage 2: Statement of Estimates

After receiving observations and nominations, the landlord or managing agent must obtain at least two estimates for the proposed works or agreement. One of these estimates must be from a contractor independent of the landlord.

Key Components of the Statement of Estimates:

  • Details of Estimates: Comprehensive breakdown of each estimate received.
  • Observations on Estimates: Landlord’s response to any observations made by leaseholders.
  • Inspection of Estimates: Leaseholders must be allowed to inspect the estimates.
  • Invitation for Observations: Further opportunity for leaseholders to make observations within a specified period (minimum 30 days).

Stage 3: Notice of Reasons

The final stage involves the Notice of Reasons, which must be served if the landlord intends to award the contract to a contractor who did not provide the lowest estimate.

Key Components of the Notice of Reasons:

  • Reason for Choice: Detailed explanation of why a higher estimate has been chosen.
  • Leaseholder Observations: Consider any additional observations from leaseholders.

Failure to comply with the Section 20 consultation requirements can have significant legal and financial repercussions for landlords. Non-compliance may render the landlord unable to recover the full cost of the works or agreement from the leaseholders, limiting recovery to the statutory thresholds (£250 for significant works and £100 for long-term agreements).

Legal Remedies for Leaseholders

Leaseholders have several avenues for recourse if they believe the Section 20 process has not been properly followed:

  • First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber): Leaseholders can apply to the tribunal to challenge the reasonableness of the service charges.
  • Injunctions: Leaseholders may seek an injunction to halt works until proper consultation is carried out.
  • Compensation: Leaseholders can claim compensation for any financial loss from non-compliance.

Best Practices for Landlords and Managing Agents

Landlords and managing agents should adhere to best practices throughout consultation to ensure compliance with Section 20 and maintain positive relationships with leaseholders.

Clear Communication

Effective and transparent communication is paramount. Landlords should ensure that all notices are clear, comprehensive, and jargon-free. Regular updates throughout the process can also help maintain leaseholders’ trust and cooperation.

Thorough Documentation

It is crucial to maintain meticulous records of all communications, observations, and decisions. This documentation not only aids in transparency but also serves as evidence of dispute compliance.

Engaging Leaseholders

Encouraging active participation from leaseholders can lead to more amicable outcomes. Soliciting nominations for contractors and genuinely considering leaseholder observations can foster a collaborative atmosphere.

Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice from solicitors or property consultants can help in navigating the complexities of the Section 20 process. This advice can be invaluable in ensuring all legal requirements are met and potential pitfalls are avoided.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Disputes Over Costs

Disagreements regarding the cost of work or agreements are common. To mitigate this, landlords should provide a detailed breakdown of costs and ensure transparency in the selection process.

Non-responsive Leaseholders

Leaseholder apathy or non-responsiveness can hinder the consultation process. Landlords can address this by ensuring notices are clear and engaging, and by providing multiple channels for feedback.

Selection of Contractors

Choosing the right contractor can be contentious, especially if leaseholders feel their nominations are being overlooked. Landlords should document their contractor choices and ensure that leaseholder nominations are given due consideration.


The Section 20 Notice process is a fundamental aspect of leasehold property management in England and Wales, designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability. While the process can be complex and sometimes contentious, adhering to the statutory requirements and best practices can facilitate smoother interactions between landlords and leaseholders.

We understand the intricacies at DLS Solicitors and are committed to providing expert guidance to navigate these challenges effectively.

By fostering clear communication, thorough documentation, and active leaseholder engagement, landlords can comply with legal obligations and build trust and cooperation with their leaseholders. Whether dealing with major works or long-term agreements, a well-managed Section 20 process is crucial for the sustainable and harmonious management of leasehold properties.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 9th July 2024.

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To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Section 20 Notice. DLS Solicitors. October 26 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Section 20 Notice. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 26 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Section 20 Notice. Retrieved October 26 2024, from website:
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