Can I Claim Expenses Incurred During Probate?

Can I Claim Expenses Incurred During Probate?
Can I Claim Expenses Incurred During Probate?

Welcome to this comprehensive guide brought to you by DLS Solicitors. Navigating through the probate process can often seem daunting and may involve incurring various expenses. Understanding what expenses can be claimed back, and how to go about this, is essential for anyone involved in administering an estate. This guide aims to clarify these aspects in a professional yet understandable manner.

What is Probate?

Before we delve into the specifics of expenses, let’s briefly outline what probate is. Probate is the legal process by which a deceased person’s will is proved in a court and accepted as a valid public document that is the true last testament of the deceased. If the deceased did not leave a will, the process is referred to as administration. The process also involves the granting of permission to deal with the deceased’s estate.

Common Expenses Incurred During Probate

Several expenses can be incurred during the probate process. These typically include:

  • Legal fees for professional advice or representation.
  • Valuation fees for property, shares, and other assets.
  • Probate application fees.
  • Estate administration expenses such as settling outstanding bills and taxes.
  • Costs related to selling or transferring property.

It is important to keep detailed records and receipts of all such expenses for accountability and reimbursement purposes.

Can These Expenses Be Claimed?

Yes, most expenses incurred during the probate process can be claimed from the estate before its distribution to the beneficiaries. It is crucial, however, that these expenses are necessary and directly related to the administration of the estate.

Executors and administrators should exercise caution and sound judgment when incurring expenses, ensuring they are reasonable and in the estate’s best interest. Unreasonable claims may be challenged by beneficiaries and could lead to disputes.

Procedure for Claiming Expenses

To claim expenses, executors and administrators should:

  1. Keep all receipts and detailed records of payments.
  2. Prepare a summary of expenses incurred.
  3. Present the summary and supporting documents to the estate’s beneficiaries or other executors for approval, if necessary.
  4. Reimburse themselves from the estate’s funds, ensuring transparency and proper accounting is maintained.

Tips for Managing Expenses

Managing expenses effectively is key to a smooth probate process. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid incurring unnecessary expenses.
  • Seek multiple quotes for services needed, ensuring you get value for money.
  • Consult with a professional solicitor for advice on complex matters.
  • Keep beneficiaries informed about potential expenses and obtain their consent where appropriate.


Claiming expenses incurred during the probate process is a straightforward procedure, provided these expenses are necessary, reasonable, and in the interest of the estate. By keeping accurate records and acting transparently, executors and administrators can ensure they are reimbursed without dispute. Should you require further advice or assistance, DLS Solicitors is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals can guide you through each step of the probate process, ensuring peace of mind during what can be a challenging time.

For more information or to seek our legal services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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12th July 2024
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DLS Solicitors

Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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