Access Rights

Access Rights
Access Rights
Full Overview Of Access Rights

Access rights are a fundamental aspect of property law that governs the ability to traverse or use land that belongs to another person. These rights are critical in various contexts, including residential, commercial, and agricultural properties.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand the complexities and nuances of establishing and managing access rights. This comprehensive overview will delve into the types of access rights, legal frameworks, the process of obtaining and contesting these rights, and practical considerations for property owners and users.

Understanding Access Rights

Access rights, often referred to as easements in legal terminology, allow one party to use the property of another for a specific purpose. These rights can be essential for ensuring proper access to landlocked properties, maintaining infrastructure, or facilitating utility services. Access rights can be broadly categorised into two types: private easements and public rights of way.

Private Easements

Private easements are agreements between landowners that grant access rights to specific individuals or entities. These rights can be:

  1. Express Easements: Created through a formal agreement or deed, express easements clearly define the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
  2. Implied Easements: Arise from the circumstances or conduct of the parties, even without a written agreement. These can be further divided into easements by necessity and easements by implication.
  3. Prescriptive Easements: Acquired through long-term, continuous use of the land without the owner’s permission, typically over a period of at least 20 years.

Public Rights of Way

Public rights of way allow the general public to pass over private land. These are established by local authorities and can include footpaths, bridleways, and byways. Unlike private easements, public rights of way are not restricted to specific individuals and must be accessible to everyone.

The UK’s legal framework governing access rights is primarily based on common law principles, statutory provisions, and case law precedents. Key legislation includes:

  1. The Law of Property Act 1925: Provides the foundation for creating and managing easements, including express and implied easements.
  2. The Highways Act 1980: Regulates public rights of way, including the creation, maintenance, and extinguishment of these rights.
  3. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act): Enhances public access to the countryside, including provisions for new public rights of way and the protection of existing ones.

Creating and Establishing Access Rights

The process of creating and establishing access rights varies depending on whether the easement is express, implied, or prescriptive.

Express Easements

Creating an express easement involves the following steps:

  1. Negotiation and Agreement: The parties involved negotiate the terms of the easement, including the scope, duration, and any compensation or obligations.
  2. Formal Documentation: The agreed terms are documented in a formal deed or agreement. This document must be signed by both parties and, in some cases, may need to be registered with the Land Registry.
  3. Registration: Registering the easement with the Land Registry ensures that it is legally binding on future owners of the property.

Implied Easements

Implied easements are established based on the circumstances surrounding the use of the land. They can arise in several ways:

  1. Easements by Necessity: These occur when land is sold in such a way that access to it is impossible without crossing the retained land. The easement is considered necessary for the reasonable use of the land.
  2. Easements by Implication: These are based on the intentions of the parties at the time of the property transaction. For example, if a property is sold with existing access routes that are essential for its use, an implied easement may be recognised.

Prescriptive Easements

Prescriptive easements are established through continuous and uninterrupted use of the land for a specified period, typically 20 years. The key requirements are:

  1. Use as of Right: The use must be without force, secrecy, or permission from the landowner.
  2. Continuous and Uninterrupted: The use must be consistent over the 20-year period without significant interruption.

Contesting and Extinguishing Access Rights

Access rights can be contested or extinguished under certain circumstances. This may occur due to changes in property ownership, misuse of the easement, or legal disputes.

Contesting Access Rights

Landowners may contest access rights for various reasons, including:

  1. Disputes Over Use: Disagreements regarding the scope or nature of the easement, such as the frequency of use or the type of access permitted.
  2. Interference with Land Use: Concerns that the easement interferes with the landowner’s ability to use or develop their property.
  3. Unlawful Use: Allegations that the access rights are being used in a manner not permitted by the agreement, such as exceeding the agreed-upon access route or purpose.

Extinguishing Access Rights

Access rights can be extinguished through:

  1. Express Agreement: Both parties agree to terminate the easement, which must be documented and, if necessary, registered with the Land Registry.
  2. Abandonment: The easement may be considered abandoned if it is not used for a prolonged period, typically over 20 years.
  3. Merger of Titles: If the land benefiting from the easement and the land burdened by it come under common ownership, the easement may be extinguished.
  4. Court Order: A court may order the termination of an easement if it is deemed no longer necessary or if its use has become unreasonable.

Practical Considerations for Property Owners

Property owners should consider several practical aspects when dealing with access rights:

Due Diligence

Before purchasing property, it is essential to conduct thorough due diligence to identify any existing access rights or potential issues. This includes reviewing the title deeds, checking with the Land Registry, and inspecting the property for any visible signs of easements or public rights of way.

Negotiation and Drafting

When negotiating and drafting access rights, clarity and precision are crucial. Clearly define the scope, duration, and conditions of the easement to avoid future disputes. Consider including provisions for maintenance, liability, and dispute resolution.

Maintenance and Liability

Determine who is responsible for maintaining the access route and any associated infrastructure. Establish clear terms for liability in case of damage or injury related to the use of the easement.

Dispute Resolution

Include provisions for dispute resolution in the agreement, such as mediation or arbitration, to provide a framework for resolving disagreements without resorting to litigation.

Case Study: Illustrating Access Rights

Consider the case of Mr. and Mrs. Green, who purchased a rural property with no direct road access. To reach their home, they must cross a neighbouring farm owned by Mr. Brown. To formalise this arrangement, the Greens and Mr. Brown agree to establish an express easement.

  1. Negotiation and Agreement: The Greens and Mr. Brown negotiate the terms of the easement, agreeing on the access route, frequency of use, and maintenance responsibilities. The Greens agree to compensate Mr. Brown for any wear and tear caused by their use.
  2. Formal Documentation: The terms are documented in a formal deed, which is signed by both parties. The deed specifies that the Greens have the right to use the access route for residential purposes and outlines Mr. Brown’s responsibilities for maintaining the road.
  3. Registration: The easement is registered with the Land Registry, ensuring it is legally binding on future owners of both properties.
  4. Dispute Resolution: The deed includes a clause requiring mediation in cases of disputes, providing a clear process for resolving any disagreements.


Access rights are crucial in property law, as they allow for the practical use and enjoyment of land. Whether it’s dealing with private easements or public rights of way, it’s important to understand the legal framework and practical considerations for property owners and users. Following best practices for creating, managing, and contesting access rights can help protect interests and minimise potential disputes.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing expert legal advice and support in all matters related to access rights. Our experienced team can help with negotiating and drafting easements, resolving disputes, and ensuring that your property interests are safeguarded. With our comprehensive understanding of property law and commitment to client service, we aim to deliver practical and effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Access Rights FAQ'S

Access rights refer to the legal right of an individual to enter and use someone else’s land or property for a specific purpose, such as to reach their own property, for maintenance, or for utility services.

Access rights can be granted through an express easement, which is a formal agreement or deed, or through an implied easement, which arises from long-term use or necessity.

An easement is a broader term that encompasses any right to use another person’s land for a specific purpose. A right of way is a type of easement that specifically allows passage over someone else’s land.

Yes, access rights, such as easements, typically run with the land, meaning they are transferred with the property when it is sold or inherited, unless stated otherwise in the agreement.

Access rights can be terminated by mutual agreement, abandonment, or if the purpose for which they were granted no longer exists. They can also be terminated through legal proceedings.

If your access rights are being obstructed, you should first try to resolve the issue amicably with the landowner. If this fails, you may need to seek legal advice and potentially pursue a court order to enforce your rights.

While it is possible to create access rights verbally, it is not advisable because verbal agreements are difficult to prove and enforce. It is best to document any access rights in writing.

Statutory access rights are access rights granted by law, such as the right of utility companies to access private land to install and maintain services. These rights are often detailed in specific legislation.

An access right not formally documented can potentially be established through long-term use (prescriptive easement) or necessity. You would need to provide evidence of continuous and uninterrupted use or necessity to gain access to your property.

A prescriptive easement is an access right acquired through continuous and uninterrupted use over a long period, typically 20 years in the UK. The use must be open, notorious, and without the permission of the landowner.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Access Rights. DLS Solicitors. October 23 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Access Rights. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 23 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Access Rights. Retrieved October 23 2024, from website:
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