Matrimonial Order Application

Matrimonial Order Application
Matrimonial Order Application
Full Overview Of Matrimonial Order Application

Navigating the dissolution of a marriage can be a complex and emotionally taxing process. One crucial aspect of this process involves applying for various matrimonial orders, which can address issues ranging from financial settlements to child arrangements.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand the intricacies of these applications and are committed to providing clear, comprehensive guidance. This overview explores the types of matrimonial orders available, the legal framework governing them, the application process, and practical considerations for those involved.

What are Matrimonial Orders?

Matrimonial orders are legal directives issued by the court to resolve disputes and manage the various consequences of divorce or separation. They aim to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for both parties and any children involved. The primary types of matrimonial orders include:

  1. Financial Orders: Address the division of assets, spousal maintenance, and other financial matters.
  2. Child Arrangements Orders: Determine where children will live and their contact with each parent.
  3. Protection Orders: Provide safety and protection for individuals who are at risk of domestic abuse.
  4. Property Adjustment Orders: Involve the transfer or sale of property owned by the parties.

Relevant Legislation

The legal framework for matrimonial orders in the UK is primarily derived from the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, the Children Act 1989, and the Family Law Act 1996. These statutes outline the court’s powers and the criteria for making orders.

Matrimonial Causes Act 1973

The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 governs financial provisions and property adjustments in divorce and separation cases. It gives the court wide-ranging powers to distribute assets, award maintenance, and ensure fair financial settlements.

Children Act 1989

The Children Act 1989 focuses on the welfare of children, guiding the court in making child arrangements orders. The paramount consideration is always the child’s best interests.

Family Law Act 1996

The Family Law Act 1996 includes provisions for protection orders, such as non-molestation and occupation orders, which aim to protect individuals from domestic abuse and regulate the occupation of the family home.

Types of Matrimonial Orders

Financial Orders

Financial orders ensure both parties can achieve a fair financial settlement post-separation. The key types of financial orders include:

Maintenance Orders

Maintenance orders can be divided into spousal maintenance and child maintenance.

  • Spousal Maintenance: A periodic payment from one spouse to another, designed to support the financially weaker party.
  • Child Maintenance: Financial support for children, typically calculated based on the paying parent’s income.

Lump Sum Orders

A lump sum order requires one party to pay the other a fixed amount of money, either as a one-off payment or in instalments.

Property Adjustment Orders

These orders involve the transfer, sale, or settlement of property between the parties. The court can order the transfer of ownership or dictate how proceeds from a sale should be divided.

Pension Sharing Orders

Pension-sharing orders allow for dividing pension assets between parties, ensuring both have financial security in retirement.

Child Arrangements Orders

Child arrangements orders determine the living and contact arrangements for children. They include:

Residence Orders

Residence orders determine where and with whom a child will live. These are now called “child arrangements orders” under the Children Act 1989.

Contact Orders

Contact orders outline the arrangements for the non-resident parent to spend time with the child, including details such as frequency and duration.

Protection Orders

Protection orders are essential for safeguarding individuals at risk of harm. The main types include:

Non-Molestation Orders

Non-molestation orders prohibit a person from harassing or molesting another person, providing protection from domestic abuse.

Occupation Orders

Occupation orders regulate who can live in the family home and can exclude an abusive party from the property.

Property Adjustment Orders

These orders involve the adjustment of property ownership and can include:

  • Transfer of Property: Directing that one party transfers ownership of a property to the other.
  • Sale of Property: Ordering the sale of a property and the division of proceeds.

Application Process

Initial Steps

The process of applying for a matrimonial order begins with several initial steps:

  1. Seeking Legal Advice: It is advisable to consult with a solicitor to understand your rights and options.
  2. Mediation: Before applying to the court, parties are often required to attempt mediation to resolve disputes amicably.

Filing an Application

If mediation is unsuccessful, the next step is to file an application with the family court. The application process varies depending on the type of order sought.

Financial Orders

To apply for a financial order, you must complete and submit Form A (Notice of [intention to proceed with] an application for a financial order) along with a fee. This form initiates the court’s involvement in resolving financial disputes.

Child Arrangements Orders

Applications for child arrangements orders are made using Form C100. If there are allegations of harm or domestic violence, Form C1A (Allegations of harm) should also be submitted.

Protection Orders

To apply for a non-molestation or occupation order, Form FL401 (Application for a non-molestation order and/or occupation order) must be completed and submitted to the court.

Court Hearings

Once the application is filed, the court will schedule a series of hearings to examine the issues and determine the appropriate orders. These hearings may include:

  • First Directions Appointment (FDA): An initial hearing to identify the key issues and plan the case’s progression.
  • Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR) Hearing: A hearing where the parties attempt to reach a financial settlement with the assistance of a judge.
  • Final Hearing: If the parties cannot reach an agreement, a final hearing is held, and the judge makes a binding decision.


Once a matrimonial order is granted, it is legally binding. If a party fails to comply with the order, enforcement actions may be necessary, including:

  • Attachment of Earnings Orders: Directing an employer to deduct payments from a person’s salary.
  • Charging Orders: Placing a charge on a property to secure payment of a debt.
  • Committal Orders: In extreme cases, non-compliance can result in imprisonment.

Practical Considerations

Preparing for Court

Preparation is vital to presenting a strong case. This involves:

  • Gathering Evidence: Collecting financial documents, property valuations, and other relevant evidence.
  • Witness Statements: Preparing statements from witnesses who can support your case.
  • Legal Representation: Ensuring you have experienced legal representation to advocate on your behalf.

Managing Expectations

It is essential to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of matrimonial orders. Courts aim to achieve fairness and may not always meet all your preferences. Understanding the legal principles and likely outcomes can help manage expectations.

Emotional Support

Applying for matrimonial orders can be emotionally draining. Seeking support from friends, family, or professional counsellors can provide the emotional resilience needed to navigate this challenging time.

Post-Order Considerations

Once an order is granted, it is important to:

  • Comply with the Order: Adhering to the terms of the order to avoid legal consequences.
  • Review and Update: Periodically review the arrangements, especially for child arrangements, to ensure they continue to meet the needs of all parties.

Case Studies

Financial Order in High-Net-Worth Divorce

In a high-net-worth divorce case, the court was tasked with dividing substantial assets, including properties, businesses, and pensions. The parties initially attempted mediation but failed to reach an agreement. The case proceeded to a final hearing, where the court considered both parties’ contributions, their children’s needs, and future earning capacities. The court issued a financial order that included spousal maintenance, lump sum payments, and a property adjustment order, ensuring a fair distribution of assets.

Child Arrangements Order in High-Conflict Divorce

In a high-conflict divorce, the parents could not agree on child arrangements. The mother applied for a child arrangements order, seeking sole residency with supervised contact for the father. The court conducted a thorough investigation, including CAFCASS reports and witness statements. The final order granted joint residency with a detailed contact schedule, ensuring both parents maintained a relationship with the children while addressing safety concerns.

Protection Order for Domestic Abuse Victim

A woman experiencing domestic abuse applied for a non-molestation order and an occupation order to exclude her abusive partner from the family home. The court granted both orders based on evidence of the abuse, providing immediate protection for the woman and her children. The orders ensured the abuser could not contact or approach her, allowing her to live safely in her home.

Digital Transformation

The digital transformation of the family court system is ongoing, with increased use of online applications and virtual hearings. This trend aims to improve accessibility and efficiency in the matrimonial order application process.

Legislative Changes

Ongoing legislative changes, such as updates to the Matrimonial Causes Act and the introduction of no-fault divorce, will continue to impact how matrimonial orders are applied for and enforced. Staying informed about these changes is crucial for legal professionals and those involved in family law matters.

Mediation and ADR

There is a growing emphasis on mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve family disputes amicably. These methods can reduce court proceedings’ emotional and financial burden and promote cooperative co-parenting and financial settlements.


Applying for a matrimonial order involves navigating complex legal and emotional challenges. Understanding the types of orders available, the legal framework, and the application process is essential for achieving fair and equitable outcomes.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing expert legal advice and support to individuals dealing with matrimonial issues. By prioritising clear communication, thorough preparation, and focusing on the best interests of all parties involved, we help clients navigate this difficult process with confidence and clarity.

If you have any questions or need assistance with a matrimonial order application, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team is here to guide you through every step of the process.

Matrimonial Order Application FAQ'S

A Matrimonial Order is a court order issued in the context of matrimonial proceedings, such as divorce or judicial separation. It can cover a range of issues, including financial settlements, property division, child custody, and maintenance.

To apply for a Matrimonial Order, you need to submit the appropriate form to the family court. The form will depend on the type of order you are seeking, such as a financial order or child arrangement order. It is advisable to seek legal advice when completing these forms.

The court can issue various Matrimonial Orders, including:

  • Financial Orders (lump sum payments, property adjustment, pensions sharing)
  • Child Arrangement Orders (custody, visitation)
  • Maintenance Orders (spousal and child maintenance)
  • Protection Orders (non-molestation orders, occupation orders)

A consent order is a financial agreement between spouses that is approved by the court. A financial order, on the other hand, is an order made by the court after a contested hearing, determining how assets and finances should be divided.

In some cases, you may need to attend court, especially if the application is contested or if the judge requires further information. However, for consent orders and uncontested applications, the process may be completed on paper without a court hearing

The time frame can vary. Simple, uncontested orders can be processed within a few months, while more complex, contested cases may take over a year. The duration depends on the court’s schedule, the complexity of the case, and the cooperation of both parties.

Yes, it is possible to apply for a variation or modification of a matrimonial order if there has been a significant change in circumstances. You will need to submit a new application to the court and provide evidence supporting the change.

Non-compliance with a matrimonial order can lead to enforcement action. The court may issue enforcement orders, such as garnishing wages, seizing assets, or even committal to prison for contempt of court in severe cases.

Courts consider various factors, including the length of the marriage, the financial needs and resources of both parties, the standard of living during the marriage, contributions made by both parties, and the needs of any children involved.

While it is not mandatory to have a solicitor, it is highly recommended, especially for complex cases. A solicitor can provide legal advice, help with paperwork, and represent you in court, increasing the likelihood of a favourable outcome.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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