Probate Rejection

Probate Rejection
Probate Rejection
Full Overview Of Probate Rejection

Facing a probate rejection can be a difficult and confusing experience for executors and beneficiaries. When a probate application is rejected, it can put a stop to the administration process, causing delays in distributing the deceased’s estate. It’s important for executors and beneficiaries to understand the reasons for probate rejection, the steps to resolve these issues, and the overall impact on the estate administration process.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing a clear, professional, and detailed overview of probate rejection, its causes, and the necessary steps to address it.

Explaining Probate Rejection

Probate rejection happens when a probate registry refuses to grant a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration. This refusal means that the executor or administrator does not have the legal authority to manage and distribute the deceased’s estate. Various factors can lead to probate rejection, including errors in the application and more significant issues with the will or estate documentation.

Main Reasons for Probate Rejection

  1. Incomplete or Incorrect Application Forms: Errors or omissions in the probate application forms can lead to rejection.
  2. Invalid Will: Issues with the will’s validity, such as improper witnessing or lack of testamentary capacity, can cause rejection.
  3. Unresolved Disputes: Ongoing disputes among beneficiaries or challenges to the will can result in the probate application being denied.
  4. Missing Documentation: Failure to provide necessary documents, such as the original will, death certificate, or estate valuation, can lead to rejection.
  5. Incorrect Payment of Fees: Failure to pay the correct probate fees or provide proof of payment can result in rejection.

The Impact of Probate Rejection

Probate rejection has several significant impacts on the estate administration process:

  1. Delays in Estate Distribution: Without a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration, the executor cannot legally distribute the estate to the beneficiaries.
  2. Increased Costs: Rectifying the issues that led to rejection can incur additional legal and administrative costs.
  3. Emotional Stress: Delays and complications can add to the emotional burden on the executor and beneficiaries, who are already dealing with the loss of a loved one.
  4. Potential Legal Disputes: Rejection can exacerbate existing disputes among beneficiaries or creditors, potentially leading to litigation.

Common Causes Of Probate Rejection

Incomplete or Incorrect Application Forms

Probate application forms must be completed accurately and in full. Common errors include:

  1. Incorrect Information: Providing incorrect details about the deceased, the executors, or the estate.
  2. Omissions: Failing to complete all required sections of the forms.
  3. Inconsistent Information: Discrepancies between the information provided in the application and other submitted documents.

Invalid Will

The will must meet certain legal requirements to be considered valid. Common issues that can invalidate a will include:

  1. Improper Witnessing: The will must be signed by the testator in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign the will. If this process is not followed correctly, the will can be invalidated.
  2. Lack of Testamentary Capacity: The testator must have had the mental capacity to understand the implications of their will at the time it was made. Evidence of mental incapacity can lead to the will being contested and rejected.
  3. Undue Influence or Fraud: If there is evidence that the testator was coerced or manipulated into making the will, or if the will was forged, it can be rejected.

Unresolved Disputes

Disputes among beneficiaries or challenges to the will can result in the probate application being denied until the issues are resolved. Common disputes include:

  1. Will Contests: Challenges to the validity of the will based on claims of undue influence, lack of testamentary capacity, or fraud.
  2. Beneficiary Disputes: Conflicts among beneficiaries over the distribution of assets.
  3. Executor Conflicts: Disputes over the appointment or actions of the executor.

Missing Documentation

Certain documents are essential for a probate application. Missing any of the following can lead to rejection:

  1. Original Will: The original will must be submitted with the application. Copies are not acceptable.
  2. Death Certificate: A certified copy of the death certificate is required.
  3. Estate Valuation: A detailed valuation of the deceased’s assets and liabilities must be provided.

Incorrect Payment of Fees

Probate fees must be paid correctly, and proof of payment must be included with the application. Common issues include:

  1. Underpayment: Not paying the full amount of the required fees.
  2. Lack of Proof: Failing to include proof of payment with the application.

Steps to Resolve Probate Rejection

Identify the Reason for Rejection

The first step in resolving probate rejection is to identify the specific reason for the rejection. The probate registry typically provides a detailed explanation of why the application was rejected.

Correct the Application

Once the reason for rejection is identified, steps can be taken to correct the application:

  1. Complete and Accurate Forms: Ensure all forms are completed accurately and in full.
  2. Provide Missing Documentation: Gather and submit any missing documents required by the probate registry.
  3. Pay Correct Fees: Ensure the correct probate fees are paid and provide proof of payment.

Address Issues with the Will

If the will is invalid, steps must be taken to address the issues:

  1. Validate the Will: If possible, correct any witnessing errors or provide evidence to support the testator’s testamentary capacity.
  2. Resolve Disputes: Mediate or legally resolve any disputes among beneficiaries or challenges to the will.

Seek Legal Advice

In complex cases, seeking legal advice from a solicitor can be beneficial. A solicitor can provide guidance on:

  1. Correcting Application Errors: Ensuring all forms and documents are accurate and complete.
  2. Resolving Disputes: Mediating disputes and providing representation in court if necessary.
  3. Validating the Will: Addressing any issues related to the will’s validity.

Reapply for Probate

Once the issues are resolved, the executor can reapply for probate. This involves submitting the corrected forms, missing documentation, and proof of fee payment to the probate registry.

Preventing Probate Rejections

Accurate and Complete Applications

Ensuring all probate application forms are completed accurately and in full can prevent rejection. Double-check all information for accuracy and completeness.

Valid Will Preparation

Ensuring the will is valid and meets all legal requirements can prevent rejection. This includes:

  1. Proper Witnessing: Ensuring the will is signed by the testator in the presence of two witnesses, who also sign the will.
  2. Testamentary Capacity: Ensuring the testator understands the implications of their will and is not under undue influence.
  3. Legal Advice: Seeking legal advice when preparing the will to ensure it meets all legal requirements.

Clear Documentation

Providing all necessary documentation with the probate application can prevent rejection. This includes:

  1. Original Will: Submitting the original will with the application.
  2. Death Certificate: Including a certified copy of the death certificate.
  3. Estate Valuation: Providing a detailed valuation of the deceased’s assets and liabilities.

Correct Payment of Fees

Ensuring that the correct probate fees are paid and proof of payment is included with the application can prevent rejection. Check the current fee structure and ensure payment is made correctly.

Resolving Disputes Early

Addressing and resolving potential disputes among beneficiaries or challenges to the will before applying for probate can prevent rejection. Mediation or legal intervention may be necessary to resolve these disputes.

Case Study: Successful Resolution of Probate Rejection

To illustrate the probate rejection and resolution process, consider the following case study:


Mrs. Smith passed away, leaving a will that appointed her eldest son, David, as the executor. David submitted a probate application, but it was rejected due to missing documentation and an unresolved dispute among beneficiaries.

Probate Rejection Process

  1. Initial Application: David submitted the probate application without including the original will and a certified copy of the death certificate. Additionally, there was an ongoing dispute between David and his siblings over the distribution of assets.
  2. Rejection Notice: The probate registry rejected the application, providing a detailed explanation of the missing documentation and the unresolved dispute.

Steps to Resolve Probate Rejection

  1. Identify the Reason for Rejection: David reviewed the rejection notice to understand the specific reasons for the rejection.
  2. Correct the Application: David gathered the original will and obtained a certified copy of the death certificate. He also updated the estate valuation to include all assets and liabilities.
  3. Address Issues with the Will: David sought legal advice to address the dispute with his siblings. They agreed to mediation, which helped resolve the conflict over asset distribution.
  4. Reapply for Probate: Once the issues were resolved, David resubmitted the corrected forms, the original will, the certified death certificate, and proof of payment of the correct probate fees to the probate registry.


The probate registry approved the reapplication, granting David the authority to administer and distribute the estate according to his mother’s will. The resolution of the dispute and the correct submission of all required documentation ensured a successful probate execution.



Probate rejection can cause significant delays in administering a deceased person’s estate, leading to emotional and financial stress for executors and beneficiaries. It’s crucial for anyone involved in estate administration to understand the common causes of probate rejection, steps to resolve such issues, and preventive measures.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing expert legal support throughout the probate process. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the guidance and representation they need to avoid probate rejection and achieve a smooth and efficient probate execution. We strive to offer clear, compassionate, and effective legal solutions, whether dealing with complex estates, beneficiary disputes, or potential legal challenges.

By approaching probate execution with professionalism and a thorough understanding of the legal principles involved, we aim to minimise the stress and uncertainty for our clients during what is often a difficult and emotional time. Our goal is to help our clients navigate the complexities of probate execution, ensuring that the deceased’s wishes are honoured and that all parties receive fair and equitable treatment.”

Probate Rejection FAQ'S

Probate rejection occurs when the Probate Registry refuses to issue a grant of probate due to errors or issues with the application, the will, or other required documentation.

Common reasons include incomplete or incorrect application forms, discrepancies in the will, missing signatures, a lack of required documentation, failure to pay the correct fee, or questions about the validity of the will.

Review the rejection notice carefully to understand the reasons. Correct any errors, gather the required documentation, and resubmit the application. Seeking legal advice from a solicitor can help ensure the application meets all requirements.

Yes, you can appeal a probate rejection. You should contact the Probate Registry to discuss the reasons for the rejection and understand the appeal process. It may involve submitting additional information or rectifying errors.

The time it takes to resolve a probate rejection depends on the nature of the issues and how quickly they are addressed. It can range from a few weeks to several months if additional information or legal proceedings are required.

If the will is contested, the probate process can be significantly delayed. The dispute may need to be resolved through mediation or court proceedings, which can take several months or even years.

If probate is rejected due to an executor’s actions or inactions, beneficiaries or other interested parties can apply to the court to have the executor removed and replaced with a more suitable person.

If no valid will is found, the estate is administered according to the rules of intestacy. The court will appoint an administrator, who will distribute the estate to the next of kin in a predefined order of priority.

While it is not mandatory to use a solicitor, seeking legal advice can be beneficial, especially if the reasons for rejection are complex. A solicitor can help ensure that the reapplication is complete and accurate.

Required documents usually include the original will and any codicils, the death certificate, completed probate application forms (such as PA1P for those with a will), an inheritance tax form (IHT205 or IHT400), and the probate application fee.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Probate Rejection. Retrieved October 26 2024, from website:
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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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